Sep 8Liked by Hannah Anstee

I can relate to all of this. As an introvert I've always found socialising in large groups of people overwhelming and often need to steel myself to do it. Most of the time it does me good to be pulled out of my shell but I carry a mental battery level inside me. When it's really low, I withdraw which I guess is SER. It's a fine balance. Too much SER drives me further inside myself (bad), but I'm getting better at pacing myself and overcoming FOMO to stay away and rest

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Hi Abby. Love the image of the mental battery level 😊

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I wish I was better at resting. Maybe then I wouldn't be feeling as unwell as I currently am. Totally agree the resting invites in difficult emotions that can become overwhelming and unbearable. I do love moments of rest but am also a single parent so always someone else's needs to consider. Life feels exhausting at the moment x

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Hi Chloe. Being a single parent is so hard - I'm fairly convinced that this was a contributing factor to my CFS. I live alone now and count myself lucky that I no longer have anyone to care for and can rest when I need to. Hope your feel energised soon 😊

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It’s really tough isn’t it? Lots of thought on chronic illness is around healing the nervous system and removing stressors. My state of being a single parent and managing my son is definitely my biggest stressor but I can’t just decide not to be his mum anymore. Nor would I want to!

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brilliant read and thank you for sharing. Yes! resting has been instrumental in my recovery from CFS.... and it wasn't easy to do. I'm now in good health but I still have to be mindful to rest, something that has slipped recently so thank you for thus beautiful reminder. I love your writing and sense of humour x

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Hi Linz - so pleased to hear you’re in recovery - it’s such a tough journey isn’t it. And thanks for your very generous comments about my writing - they made my day 🙏🏻

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