I made almost the exact same choice 42 years ago when I was 20. It was also the best decision of my life. And now I have two lovely grandchildren! (And a son-in-law.) great post! Thank you.

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So lovely so hear and about your grandchildren - how wonderful! Thanks Maria 😊

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Jun 30Liked by Hannah Anstee

Thank you, Hannah. I need to be reminded to breathe and listen to my gut. My shadow self — the one that speaks and acts from a place of fear — will always try to answer my questions first, but if I ground myself and ask again, the authentic replies will burst from my true shining spirit. Sounds like yours do, as well. 💕

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Hi Bridget. I'm exactly the same and need to remind myself to breathe and listen regularly. It's such a git to be able to access our authentic self in this way. I love the image of your shining spirit bursting through. Thank you so much for sharing 😊

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Gut instinct works. Override it at your peril. If I get overloaded the demands of big city living, which I like less and less because it's hard to get away from people with goals and agendas, then I have to get out into nature to hear myself thinking. Congratulations, Hannah, for having the courage to make the right decision for you.

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Overide it at your peril indeed! Love that. Thanks Abby 🙏

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W hat a beautiful post Hannah. I was similar age when I was faced with pregnancy. It is a personal choice and after much thought I had my daughter and never regretted my decision.

I was recently told I should view my impetuosity as intuition and when I thought about it I agreed. I make many decisions that appear to be made on them hoof. I always have 😘😘😘

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Thanks you Jo. Oh that's very interesting about viewing impetuosity like that - can see that absolutely makes sense - acting before the thoughts rush in. Yes 😊

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